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Nansen Primary School

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Green Team

The Green Team children are a dedicated group of children, elected by their class teachers and peers, to ensure the school is as environmentally friendly as possible. They are passionate about making a difference not only now, but for their future too.

Our enthusiastic green team members this year are:

Year group

Green Team Ambassador


Tahsina, Vanaessa and Adam         


Umar, Amna and Ziyaan       


Alexandra, Isra and Dani           


Dawood, Ridwaan, Summayah and Husain        


Dawud, Amerah, Safwan and Mala          


Over the year, our Green Team work on some of the 10 aspects below:

  • Biodiversity
  • Energy
  • Global Citizenship
  • Healthy Living
  • Litter
  • School Grounds
  • Marine
  • Transport
  • Waste
  • Water.

These topics are also covered across the curriculum. This year, the Green Team have focussed their attention on energy, waste and reducing our carbon footprint. 

In Autumn and Spring term, children made sure every class had a green recycling bag to help recycle paper and created and designed posters to go in every classroom to make sure light, monitors etc. were switched off when not in use. This term, their target is to share the importance of reducing our carbon footprint.