The oracy ambassadors are an enthusiastic, dedicated team of children who are elected by their class teachers to drive the school’s oracy vision. At Nansen, we value the voice of every child by learning through and from talk to become confident and effective communicators. The children of Nansen believe that oracy prepares them to be respectful citizens.
1N | Aidaan |
1A | Zainab |
2B | Aris |
2I | Eesa |
3B | Tashina |
3K | Ayaan |
3H | Seher |
4M | Mahad |
4B | Hussam |
4R | Zayna |
5P | Fatimah |
5S | Mirhan |
5F | Areeb |
6P | Yousef |
6B | Abdishiro |
6SA | Farhaan |
6A | Hamza |
Our Oracy Champions will work in partnership with teachers and leaders to drive our oracy vision and ethos which will allow our children to become effective speakers and listeners so that they can understand each other and the world around them. They will also support oracy outside of the classroom as well as championing it within the classroom to elevate learning.