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Nansen Primary School

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Curriculum Overview

Cultural capital - Nansen Pledge Passport


Curriculum Statement

‘Nurturing Tomorrow’s Explorers’

Our Intent

At Nansen Primary School, we offer a rich, broad and balanced curriculum with a wide range of stimulating and challenging experiences for our children. It is our aim to nurture a passion for learning for our children so that they are equipped with the academic skills and knowledge, and have developed the personal attributes needed to enable them to become successful citizens of the future.

Our curriculum intent is underpinned by the National Curriculum and has been carefully planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has come before.

Our CARES values run as a golden thread through our curriculum – Creativity, Aspiration, Respect, Excellence and Supportive. Our academic curriculum is underpinned by a strong emphasis on personal development and social skills so that children make and maintain healthy relationships with others. They learn responsibility and develop a sense of self so that they understand and value their place in the world and respect the same for others.

Our curriculum is designed to develop an understanding of Britain’s cultural heritage and values. We strive to equip our children with the knowledge and experiences they need to succeed and face the challenges in life; to prepare them for the increasingly challenging and demanding world in which we live. Our intent is that our children are confident, resilient and believe they can achieve through hard work, effort and support from those around them.

Our curriculum demonstrates equal ambition for all children to achieve and values all children as individuals. We strive to ensure that our pupils appreciate, recognise and respect differences and understand and appreciate different beliefs and cultures. We always encourage children and staff to treat others fairly and equally. We endeavour to promote the mental, emotional and physical health of all pupils, thereby enabling children to make healthy choices in their relationships and everyday life.

We have the highest expectations for all our children and learning is planned to ensure that there are minimal barriers to pupil achievement and progress.


 Teachers have secure subject knowledge in all the subjects that they teach. Regular subject specific CPD is provided to teachers to support them with teaching any areas outside their expertise.

Our curriculum design is based upon key principles from cognitive science which are implemented through a range of strategies, tailored to suit the needs of all pupils, including:

Teaching and Learning

- Start all lessons with a review of learning

- Present new material in small steps

- Provide clear and detailed instructions and explanations

- Use open-ended questioning to check for understanding

- Ensure active practice for all pupils

- Provide effective and timely modelling

- Provide systematic feedback and corrections

- Use of high-quality resources/examples, texts and use of vocabulary

Use of Assessment

- Use timely feedback to pupils and ‘next steps’ in their learning

- Use of formative and summative assessments to adapt teaching so all pupils make progress

- Use of dedicated interventions to support pupils to reach their full potential

Staff Professional Development

- Regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review and the celebration of good practice contributes to the ongoing commitment to evolve and improve teaching and learning.

- Dedicated continued professional development for all staff

- Performance Management targets

- Sharing and modelling good practice, team and peer coaching

Curriculum Subject Leaders

- Monitor the curriculum, including the development of medium term and short-term planning

- Evaluate the Quality of Education for each year group through lesson visits, scrutiny of pupils’ work and pupil discussions;

- Evaluate key strengths and areas of development to further develop the curriculum and teachers’ practice.

- Monitor the impact of the curriculum through termly assessments and report these to governors.


The outcomes of our curriculum:

- a community of enthusiastic, inquisitive and independent learners

- strong schema of knowledge and skills from across the curriculum subjects which can be transferred from one context to another.

- the ability to retrieve knowledge and make connections between subjects and apply their skills.

- the ability to apply their knowledge to solve problems and create workable solutions.

- a sense of identity and how they can make a positive contribution locally, nationally and globally.

- the knowledge and resilience needed to keep themselves and others safe.

- the ability to make well-informed decisions using a moral compass.

- mutual respect and tolerance for all - the ability to be rounded citizens upholding British Values.

- attainment at the end of Year 1 (phonics), Year 2 and Year 6 that is at least the national average