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Nansen Primary School

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Online Safety

The internet is essential in 21st century life for education, business and social interaction. As children move up through the school their access to various types of technology increases and their exploration and curiosity increases too.

The positives of the digital world overwhelmingly outweigh the negatives, but children, schools and parents all need to be aware of various online risks and how we can ensure that children are safe online.

Nansen follow the SMART Rules:

  Please follow the link below for more guidance on how to keep your child safe online:

visit internet matters

All primary age children should be supervised online at all times. And that we strongly advise that age ratings for apps should be considered by families. Europol state that they have recently seen a surge in dangerous contact between children and predators on social media apps and the age ratings are there to keep the children safe. 

  • Facebook - 13 years old
  • Instagram- 13 years old
  • Tik Tok -13 years old
  • WhatsApp -16 years old
  • House Party - 13 years old 

Online-Safety Tips for Parents: 6-10

Safety on the internet matters. Our fun, interactive, stop motion animated video has useful advice and tips for parents of 6-10s so that you can help them to stay safe online. Visit our site to learn more: https://www.internetmatters.org/advice/ 🔗 Links: From toddlers to teens, our four 'E-safety tips for parents' videos are age specific to help you keep up with e-safety as they grow up.

TikTok Safety

Netflix parental guidance

Netflix parental controls

Safer Internet Video


Anti-virus Software with Free Parental Controls

Kidsmart Website

Think U Know Website

Digi Ducks Book.

Kid Smart Internet Safety Poster.