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Nansen Primary School

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Physical Education



PE Overview

Intent, Implementation and Impact

Intent, Implementation and Impact


At Nansen Primary School we place great value on the physical and mental wellbeing of our pupils: we intend for them to discover and develop freedom of play, to be physically active and to have a sense of physical identity. Our aim is for pupils to apply and show excellence in listening, observing, questioning and reflection skills and to develop attitudes, positive dispositions, physical skilfulness, decision making and good physical condition. Using the ‘Complete PE’ scheme, we provide a clear progression of teaching to enable all pupils to tackle tasks of increasing complexity and technical difficulty as they progress from Reception to Year 6.

Our wider physical curriculum is for all children in our school to be physically active as often as possible, every day. The physical activity will be great enough intensity and for long enough to make a significant impact to our children’s physical growth, health and wellbeing. All children have the opportunity to become part of a club/activity as a participant, for leadership, organisation and volunteering. 


  • - EYFS focus on physical development whilst playing freely outdoors and participate in gymnastics, ball skills, understanding games and dance during PE lessons.
  • - Key Stage 1 teach fundamental skills that develop children’s basic movements, agility, balance and coordination through a wide breadth of physical activity and sport. Skills are carried out individually (co-operatively) and with others (competitively) using a range of resources and have links to a range of sports and dance including alternative sports e.g. dodgeball.
  • - In Key Stage 2 we offer a wide variety of PE topics that include attacking and defending in competitive and modified games such as outwitting opponents, striking and fielding, net and wall games. We develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance in gymnastics.  In athletics we demonstrate improvement in our own personal best results.  We teach children to perform dances using creative movement patterns that we link to the wider curriculum (ICT – Geography- History) and are able to compare them to previous ones.  At Nansen school we also have access to a Forest School area and participate in outdoor adventurous activities that includes team building and bush craft skills. Attend swimming lessons that includes developing a variety of strokes, distance and water safety in the pool.
  • - Promote positive staff attitudes towards the ‘Complete PE’ package – create a long term curriculum map that offers children a breadth of activities, deliver and modify the planning according to staff professional judgement of their own class, introduce future learning and key vocabulary to children, formatively assess during lessons and summatively assess and record children progress every half term. Promote the Complete PE CPD webinars, physical activity cards and MYPB (My Personal Best) resources to teachers to develop the whole child. Offer team teaching to staff according to their individual needs with a sports specialist, INSET, planning and assessment support, to ensure high quality teaching and learning. Staff have access to the ‘Association of Physical Education’ and the ‘Swimming Teachers Association’ for up to date information and research.
  • - Organise a variety of physical activity at play and lunch time, offer extra-curricular clubs and level 1 / 2 Your School Games Trust competitions to children to attend throughout the school day; that includes leadership and volunteering roles. Meet regularly with pupil voice to discuss PE, physical activity and school sport.  Use pupil voice to help spend the sports premium funding, so that it has a sustainable impact in years to come. We participate in the ‘Pathway to Podium’ initiative.
  • - We promote sustainable active travel to and from school as part of our physical activity offer. Children have the opportunity to attend bikeability or balanceability sessions in school and we offer scooting and cycling in Key Stage 1 at break times.  We also promote active travel to children and parents as a way of reducing cars at the school gates.  We are working towards the silver Modeshift Award.


Children will strive to be the best that they can applying growth mind set throughout the physical curriculum. Enabling children to become confident and have self-awareness of their own health, physical and mental wellbeing. Staff will carry out ongoing observations of what they see, hear, sense and record the children’s learning throughout their time at Nansen School.

Children have made strides in their physical growth and are now motivated more than ever to be involved in learning PE and to take part in a variety of clubs/activities. With such demands we have been able to bring in visitors from outside of school, to conduct extra physical activities to improve the behaviour of children in school and increase the number of children attending our clubs. Children are beginning to articulate the skills they have learned, key sports vocabulary, and are starting to understand the progress that they are making and future learning. Children now have a deeper understanding of the importance of physical and mental wellbeing. They are beginning to have a sense of physical identity and realise their own qualities and potential. Children are aware of ways to actively travel to and from school and the benefits it has on their health.

Staff are able to access/understand and are more confident in delivering a breadth of sports/physical activity because of the Complete PE package.  Assessments are being made about what our children look like now in relation to our vision/expectations. We have improved provision and the availability of resources; utilising the sports premium funding. TA’s are more confident to offer interventions to groups during PE lessons and this includes SEND children. Annual reports to parents includes PE (attitude/effort and progress).


Learning Pathways all Years

Progression of Skills

Foundation and KS1 Progression of Skills

KS2 Progression of Skills


We are proud members of the association for Physical Education. We work in line with their guidance to ensure we are promoting and maintaining high standards and safe practice in all aspects and all levels of physical education, school sport and physical activity.