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Nansen Primary School

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 Our RE Curriculum is inclusive and ensures children learn about the 6 main UK religions which enables them to gain a deeper understanding of how religion influences an individual's life. By educating our pupils about how other people live their lives and their religious beliefs we enable them to reflect on what they believe and the choices they make, thus enabling them to develop tolerance and understanding.

Intent, Implementation and Impact

Intent, Implementation and Impact


RE Curriculum OverviewCollective Worship Overview

Birmingham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 

Birmingham SACRE

BFV – Mutual Respect

At Nansen Primary, we...

  • learn about religious and cultural values to develop an open-minded and respectful outlook
  • make connections between religious values to develop empathy and tolerance
  • use accurate vocabulary to show understanding and respect

Learning about religion

At Nansen Primary, we...

  • use a range of religious stories to learn about different religions
  • use concrete objects/artefacts to illustrate religious practice and beliefs 
  • reflect on these beliefs through discussion with our peers
  • draw from/on the expertise of local religious leaders to recognise and celebrate diversity in our local community

Learning from religion

At Nansen Primary, we…

  • identify values through religious stories and link them to our own lives
  • recognise that local religious centres and leaders are integral and inspirational members of our community
  • recognise the importance of religion in the world


At Nansen Primary, we…

  • use formative assessment to help our children to learn more and remember more
  • assess attainment each half term through the related disposition enquiry questions in order to draw their learning together
  • are able to talk about the different dispositions confidently by using appropriate vocabulary and giving reasoned responses for their opinions
  • are creative in our response to reflect our individuality
  • respect others and gain a broader understanding of views and beliefs
  • record our learning in our Class Book and displays in and around school
  • remain respectful


You have the right to withdraw your child from all or part of the Religious Education curriculum. 
Please contact the school for more information.