Knowledge Organisers
British Science Week 2025
Mini Investigations for Everyday KS1 and EYFS
Mini Investigations for Everyday Year 3
Mini Investigations for Everyday Year 4
Mini Investigations for Everyday Year 5
Mini Investigations for Everyday Year 6
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Our aim at Nansen Primary is to provide high-quality science education which allows children to understand the importance of science in everyday life. We want them to develop a thirst and passion for knowledge and curiosity in the natural and technological world around them through real-life experiences. In turn, this encourages our children to respect the living organisms and the physical environment around them. Through knowledge-led studies, children have the opportunity to deepen their understanding and through investigating this knowledge they become enquiry-based learners.
Our children make the most of our local and school environment in order to deepen their understanding of our topics. They make links to wider and global scientific understanding, principles and concepts. Children are encouraged to question the world around them and work scientifically to investigate and evaluate their findings.
Children will have access to a wide range of key vocabulary in order to deepen their understanding of scientific concepts. They then use this vocabulary in context, both verbally and in their writing, during investigations and evaluations.
Substantive knowledge
We revisit topics building upon children's prior knowledge through our knowledge-rich curriculum and carefully sequenced lessons. When knowledge is built on top of knowledge, it develops understanding and meaning allowing children to relate new experiences and facts to what they already know.
Disciplinary knowledge
At Nansen Primary, we aim to deepen children’s understanding of the history behind topics by looking at scientific professionals and practitioners from different cultures, genders and races from around the world.
Pupils will be able to develop and use their skills to investigate the knowledge learnt by becoming enquiry-based learners. This knowledge allows children to collect, analyse, understand and evaluate scientific evidence leading them to become critical thinkers.
At Nansen Primary, we...
- produce Knowledge Organisers for the children at the start of every new topic, with key vocabulary
- revisit important and relevant vocabulary and information the start of every lesson
- explicitly teach and clarify key vocabulary in each lesson
- have high expectations and expect to see evidence of the key vocabulary in children’s own work
Big Ideas
At Nansen Primary, we...
- teach science concepts from the following domains; biology, chemistry and physics
- revisit these big ideas to deepen children’s knowledge of the world around them
Working Scientifically
At Nansen Primary, we...
- ensure teaching and learning plan for practical investigation opportunities within science lessons
- encourage children to become enquiry-based learners
- challenge children to question the world around them and to develop their own hypotheses
- ask children to use their scientific skills to problem solve and answer questions, making critical evaluations and reflecting on their learning
At Nansen Primary, we...
- assess attainment each half term through related topic assessment quizzes
- ask children to demonstrate both their knowledge of key concepts and vocabulary and their ability to apply this in the context of practical investigations
- build knowledge in each unit towards a big question